Well to be fair...
I won't say this is "harder than last levels" mostly because lost levels was actually fun. The Run animation usually stops *dead* if you let go of the button in the air at any time (unlike in Mario games where it stops slowly) making it really stupid (not hard) to make difficult jumps. I am more afraid of your crab enemy's than the porcupine ones mostly because it's a 50% chance I live if I jump on them directly in the center. I also died a few times to what I think is a glitch where I jump too high end up on the bottom of the lv, fall back down and it counted as a death. That's when I gave up by the way. I think it would help your score a ton if you added a progression meter at the bottom to know if the person is even close to "beating" the game. I think I got really far but can't really tell. As a follow up your youtube link is broken so I actually can't check what the entire course looks like.
~~~End result is this is NOT a hard game but if I had a game controller with a functional A and B button I could prolly beat this in 10 tries after the few deaths I just succumbed too.
Oh and the whole ad thing is just a crappy way to make money. you are the only game artist I have seen to actually make it come up DURING the damn game instead of just the start of it while loading and for that NG has the right to say how stupid of an idea it is.
2/5 ~ end rant.