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MK @M-Kudas

Age 39

Just here for porn

Angel Grove

Boston, MA

Joined on 3/26/04

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Yeah it pisses me off, but hey atleast they can release more characters and stuff.

The game is finished last I heard they are just tweaking things. I think all the hidden characters are already set in stone.

But... it's almost February!!! It was gonna come out and I was gonna play and I was gonna like it and it was gonna be good and now my plan is RUINED!

WHY?! online multiplayer should be perfected by now!

Oh no I have waited so long for this and the English version will probably get delayed as well...this is annoying.
Anyway your flash from that picture looks interesting, I would like to see that despite the added delay. Oh well I guess we all have to wait for longer then.

England will end up getting it so late...

Man I really do feel bad, that's gotta stink ><

noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooo... k ill stop now... god... i actually screamed (not to flame or anything) " FUCK"

I know what ya mean, lol.

You know, the longer the wait, the more time they can get to fix the problems within the game. Plus, I would rather wait one more month if it means the experience would be that much better.

Fix problems within the game? Japan is getting it over a month sooner. So you are saying that the US version is gonna be better then the Japanese one?! If that was true I would say sweet however I don't think it works that way, sadly :(

there probably worried since the few mario game had to be recalled in europe due to glitches and the words super spaztic been scatted in them.

also due to the shortage of wiis in the west it more astute to wait until there actually enough people who can play the game.

still a real kick in the face.

Due to lazyness in the completion of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, we've had to change the release date of the game to Saturday, February 30th.

I deeply apologize to the people who have looked forward to playing the game for so long and ask that you do a barrel roll.

I know! And supposively it is to help the marketing! They don't have a commercial for it!!!! OMG!!! (sarcasm)
Personally it does not need one!!! If people waited in a maze of lines of people to play just one match... they don't need an ad to tell them it rocks your socks!
I just pray that it does not turn out like a certian nuclear lord....

They don't need to be in a rush to launch smash bros because the wii is selling so well still.

So well that no stores have em lol.

What would suck is that they delayed the game for marketting reasons... what games comes out in feb ?

Nothing, i'm bored :(

I made a flash about it. <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/420388">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /420388</a>

Lol I gave it a 5 because I heart you.

Oh boo hoo they have reasons. They're not doing it just to piss us off.

Hey when is your Super Smash Bros. Awesome Movie gonna be done ;p
I will forgive Nintendo once the games out I choose the role of angerous rage at the moment. However I will prolly be over this by the end of the week.

Who the hell cares?
Why does it matter if it's delayed, or not?

As long as it actually comes out, I'm fine

Who the hell cares?
If I gave you the numbers world wide you prolly would not believe me anyways. I assure you it's quite large.

if they were gonna do this, them mabey there is hope that at least alian hominid joined the brawl. seriously, don't you agree with me?

I'm sure if they called Tom he would be all for it. Guess he can't say anything seeing it would be a secret character and all. Damn hes good and keeping secrets.

I hate it as much as everyone else but in a way I can kinda benefit from it. I'm waay behind on my gaming plus there's No More Heroes, Burnout: Paradise, and of course - Devil May Cry 4 among others coming out so it's not as if my Feb. won't already be overcrowded with gaming goodness. I'm sure there's something between here and the new release date to keep you occupied :)

I agree with you there dude, sigh.... I have had that resevered since before it got pushed from Dec. 3rd to Feb. 10th.

Today's Dojo update ought to cheer you up :)

Oh man yea it did.

I heard. It's really disappointing...

Cry me a River. At least you guys HAVE a release date. Us Europeans are still waiting for it, and that proably means July or later.

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